Cara Delevingne
巴黎萊雅,全球最頂尖的美妝品牌,熱烈歡迎國際巨星Cara Delevingne加入品牌大家庭,攜手開啟人生新篇章。
Cara Delevingne是一位集演戲、模特和唱歌於一身的全能藝人,以她極具個人魅力的性格著稱。她是百變女王,也是堅韌不拔的勵志典範。迪樂芬妮堅強、自信、前衛又真實,她以身作則,鼓舞女性掌握自己的命運,克服生活中的挑戰。

認識 Cara

身為三姐妹中的一員,Cara 深知女性團結的力量可以創造更美好的未來。 她與朋友們建立起堅定的支持網絡,其中包括同為我們品牌代言人的 Kendall Jenner,以及Taylor Swift、Rihanna和Zoe Kravitz。Cara 形容這種姐妹情誼是她生命中最珍貴的寶藏。
最近,她也公開談論自己如何克服心理健康問題,並透過人際連結獲得療癒。 Cara 毫不避諱地分享自身的脆弱和挑戰,鼓舞了許多人勇敢踏上追求自信和自我成長的旅程。
“L’Oréal Paris is honoured to announce that Cara Delevingne joins our family of fantastic “women of worth” spokespersons. What a personality! From our first Preference coloration shooting with Cara, I was amazed by how much energy, ideas, and positive vibes she is bringing. We admire the career of Cara from modelling, to singing, to acting. She is multi-faceted, and multi-talented. Cara embodies our mission to empower women everywhere no matter what hurdles stand in their way. In owning her strengths and desires but also her vulnerabilities and challenges, she inspires us all to achieve our ambitions and believe that anything is possible. She really is worth it!”
Delphine Viguier-Hovasse, L’Oréal Paris Global Brand President

“I am so excited to join the L’Oréal Paris family and the sisterhood that has been created by so many inspiring women before me,” said Cara. “Beauty is a form of self-expression and self-empowerment, and I am so thrilled to partner with L’Oréal in their mission to inspire all people to reach their potential and to feel confident.”
Cara Delevingne
Cara 在社群媒體上擁有超過6600萬粉絲,這位多才多藝的藝人,利用自己的影響力,積極為 LGBTQ+ 權益、心理健康和氣候變遷等議題發聲。 她不僅參與創立了環保平台 EcoResolution,更在 2023 年推出了教育平台 Earthed。